Fomes Fomentarius: The Versatile and Fascinating Tinder Fungus

Tinder fungus - fomes fomentarius
Fomes fomentarius, commonly known as the tinder fungus or horse's hoof fungus, is a large, woody fungus that belongs to the family Polyporaceae. It can be found in many regions of the world, growing on the trunks of deciduous trees such as birch, beech, oak, and maple. The fungus is known for its ability to produce a highly flammable material that has been used for thousands of years as a source of tinder for starting fires.

Appearance and Habitat:

Fomes fomentarius typically has a thick, hoof-shaped fruiting body that can range in size from a few centimeters to over a meter in diameter. The fruiting body is dark brown to black on the outside and lighter in color on the inside, with a tough, woody texture. The underside of the fruiting body is covered with millions of tiny, brown pores that release the fungus's spores.

The fungus can be found growing on living or dead trees, and can